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Welcome to GAIA LEGACY

This homepage serves as a holistic approach towards expanding knowledge of the divine creation of our planet GAIA (the personified Earth in Greek mythology), its structure, its destiny, its energy spots (energy sources),
and the 
connectivity of climate change. So we gain the holistic overall view
that gives us courage and hope.


And this, altough the increase of enormous natural desasters. We cannot stop this development but we can identify its causes and alter our behavior accordingly by decreasing the impetus through our consuming way of life and our (mis)understanding of unlimited growth and intelligent technology.


This practically requires a Turning Point in the history of humanity
(see GIZA LEGACY), in our self and worldview and our holistic consciousness as well as in our behavior and our use of new technologies.


We need a new understanding of Mother Earth that supports us and that is the essence of our very existence and nutrition. This is why Geosophy and Geomancy will gain increased significance in the years ahead.


Special emphasis will be given to the “primary energy spots” on Earth that are connected in sacred geometry. It is only with a new consciousness that we can recognize the solutions and survive – contrary to the fear stemming from end-of-the-world scenarios  (see DEI LEGACY).


This homepage will give you insight into my research conducted over the last 20 years and provides excerpts from the book. Also take a look at the trailer containing the most important keywords of the book.


I wish you thrilling insights into the GAIA LEGACY!

Rico Paganini